Pain News

Pain news

(Aug 2022) Sensorimotor retraining looks promising for chronic back pain

(Oct 2021) Chronic pain is surprisingly treatable - via pain reprocessing therapy

(Aug 2021) Can ‘lifestyle medicine‘ such as diet, exercise, and mindfulness help treat chronic pain?

(Oct 2020) Prolonged exercise is the best treatment for lower back pain

(Jun 2020) Long term painkiller use can make pain worse!

To cure my chronic pain I had to learn about the links between mind and body

X-rays can make your pain worse! see the Australian Ballet

Airing Pain radio show (

New Pain Self Management App – Pain Protectometer by the NOIgroup (runs on I-Pad only)

Eric Clapton experiences peripheral neuropathy with associated chronic pain

Cutting edge pain recovery strategies – proof of brain’s ability to rewire itself!

Use of brain reprogramming to shrink the brain’s pain map by not letting any pain signals pass without a competing signal such as thought, image, sensation memory, soothing emotion, movement, or belief. Learn more here

Mirror box therapy to treat phantom limb pain

Graded Motor Imagery to treat intractable pain.

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