Flare ups

Management of pain flare ups is important.

What is a flare-up?

A pain flare-up can occur when we overdo an activity, or for many other reasons. For example If we vacuum the lounge for 20 minutes, and then pay the price in severe pain for the rest of that day/night/week, then we are most likely experiencing a pain flare-up.

Sometimes flare ups are unavoidable, so if they do occur, it is helpful to have some strategies for management. A flare up plan as outlined here, on the Pain Management Network, can be a good place to start.

There is helpful information in an excellent booklet by Pain Concern UK  about planning for, and managing flare ups

Here is some general advice on managing flare-ups for a pain condition called CRPS, but this advice can apply to most chronic pain conditions.

Dr Grinstead, who experiences chronic pain, talks about how he manages flare ups by pacing (audio quality not too good)

Next Pacing