Goal Setting

Goal setting is important to persistent pain self management.

Main et al, in their book on pain management, suggest that goals should come from three main areas – physical (e.g. exercise, stretching), functional (e.g. hobbies, housework), and social (interacting with others)

SMART goals are the best: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-limited.

For instance, “I would like to be able to walk the dog for 10 minutes a day, by the end of next month” This is a specific goal that can be measured, is realistic and has a set time frame.

Here is an entertaining overview of SMART goal setting for increasing walking.

Here is a motivational clip  by Peter Moore using the Pain Toolkit, on why goal setting is helpful for chronic pain and can lead to increased self-confidence

If you have trouble finding or setting goals, your health professional can be of assistance.